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Getting Started Community Edition

Time required: 10 minutes


This getting started guide get Matatika Community Edition up and running on your local machine.


Install the Matatika Community Edition

  1. Go to, clone the repository and use Docker Compose to run the application:
     git clone
     cd matatika-ce
     # depending on the version of Docker you have installed, Docker Compose may not
     # exist as its own executable, but as a subcommand of `docker` instead - in this
     # case, you should substitute the below `docker-compose` with `docker compose`
     # if you are using Docker Desktop for Linux, do not set `userID` or `groupID` as
     # this will interfere with the VM file sharing service (i.e. just run
     # `docker compose up`)
     userID=$(id -u) groupID=$(id -g) docker-compose up

    Coffee time. This may take a few minutes to download the Docker images on the first run.

    If you plan on hosting the lab for other users to connect to, we suggest setting your own secret in the docker-compose.yml using the environment variable MATATIKA_AUTH_LOCAL_SECRET.

    During startup, if you encounter this error

     Elasticsearch: Max virtual memory areas vm.max_map_count [65530] is too low, increase to at least [262144]

    you will need to run the following command before retrying:

     sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144  #
  2. Once everything is running, go to the Matatika Lab at localhost:3443 in your browser, then login with your Matatika account or use the sign up link to create one.

    No data will be stored in our cloud. Your Matatika account keeps your data safe with Auth0.

  3. Initialise a meltano project here or create your first workspace with the Matatika lab. All configuration is managed as code in your workspaces directory:

     ls -al workspaces

Congratulations, you can now manage all your data with the Matatika Community Edition!

Make Your First API Call


To update the Community Edition to the latest version, within the matatika-ce directory, run

git pull

If a new version has been released, this will bring in upstream changes to the docker-compose.yml file referencing new image tags. Check here for new releases.

Specific version

To update (or rollback) to a specific release version, within the matatika-ce directory, run

git checkout main
git pull
git checkout <RELEASE TAG>
# e.g. `git checkout 10244` for

To find what release tags are available, check here, or run

git tag --list

Specify a custom database

If want to switch to a custom database over the default Postgres service container, override the persistence datasource configuration for catalog/warehouse:

  • catalog refers to the main application database
  • warehouse refers to workspace databases (if not specified, warehouse will default to catalog configuration)


            - PERSISTENCE_CATALOG_URL=jdbc:postgresql://<host>:<port>/<db_name>
            - PERSISTENCE_CATALOG_USERNAME=<username>
            - PERSISTENCE_CATALOG_PASSWORD=<password>
            # change to your database type (your mileage may vary if not Postgres)
            # - PERSISTENCE_CATALOG_DRIVER_CLASS_NAME=org.postgresql.Driver
            # optional warehouse configuration - use if you want workspace databases to
            # be created in a separate instance from the main application database 
            # - PERSISTENCE_WAREHOUSE_URL=jdbc:postgresql://<host>:<port>/<db_name>
            # - PERSISTENCE_WAREHOUSE_USERNAME=<username>
            # - PERSISTENCE_WAREHOUSE_PASSWORD=<password>

The warehouse database referenced with this configuration (catalog if omitted) must have the capability to create other databases within the connection, as part of provisioning a workspace.

By default, this database is also used to back the workspace state datastore. In this case, the database must be a Postgres instance.

Specify a Custom Auth0 Identity Provider

If you want to use your own company login from within the UI, the Community Edition can be configured to use a custom Auth0 identity provider. This will replace Matatika as the default identity provider responsible for login and user authentication.

  1. Create a new Single Page Web Application
  2. Click Settings and add

    to Allowed Callback URLs, Allowed Logout URLs and Allowed Web Origins

  3. Create a new API
  4. In Identifier * add:


     # your tenant domain ("Settings" > "Basic Information" > "Domain")
     # your client ID ("Settings" > "Basic Information" > "Client ID")
     # your client database connection name ("Connections" > "Database")
     # your tenant identity provider settings (run once `APP_IDENTITY_DOMAIN` is set
     # - do not modify)
     export CATALOG_AUTH_IDPS_PRIMARY_JWK_SET_URI=https://$APP_IDENTITY_DOMAIN/.well-known/jwks.json
     # optional secondary tenant identity provider settings


                 # your tenant domain ("Settings" > "Basic Information" > "Domain")
                 - APP_IDENTITY_DOMAIN=
                 # your client ID ("Settings" > "Basic Information" > "Client ID")
                 - APP_IDENTITY_CLIENT_ID=
                 # your client database connection name ("Connections" > "Database")
                 - APP_IDENTITY_CONNECTION=
                 # your tenant identity provider settings
                 - CATALOG_AUTH_IDPS_PRIMARY_ISSUER_URI=https://<app_identity_domain>/
                 - CATALOG_AUTH_IDPS_PRIMARY_JWK_SET_URI=https://<app_identity_domain>/.well-known/jwks.json
                 # optional secondary tenant identity provider settings
  5. Run the application:
     # depending on the version of Docker you have installed, Docker Compose may not
     # exist as its own executable, but as a subcommand of `docker` instead - in this
     # case, you should substitute the below `docker-compose` with `docker compose`
     # if you are using Docker Desktop for Linux, do not set `userID` or `groupID` as
     # this will interfere with the VM file sharing service (i.e. just run
     # `docker compose up`)
     userID=$(id -u) groupID=$(id -g) docker-compose up

Specify a Custom Google OAuth Provider

The Matatika UI supports OAuth sign-in for any of the avialable Google plugins, to make configuration easy for a user. To take advantage of this, you will need to provide your own Google OAuth client ID credentials for a web application.

  1. Create a Google Cloud project
  2. Enable any of the following APIs for your project, based on your requirements:
  3. Create OAuth client ID credentials for a web application

    Under Under Authorized JavaScript origins, click Add URI and set to


    Under Authorised redirect URIs, click Add URI and set to

  4. Export the following environment variables:
     # your client ID ("Additional information" > "Client ID")
     # your client secret ("Additional information" > "Client secrets" > "Client secret")
     # (run once `OAUTH2_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID` is set - do not modify)
  5. Run the application:
     # depending on the version of Docker you have installed, Docker Compose may not
     # exist as its own executable, but as a subcommand of `docker` instead - in this
     # case, you should substitute the below `docker-compose` with `docker compose`
     # if you are using Docker Desktop for Linux, do not set `userID` or `groupID` as
     # this will interfere with the VM file sharing service (i.e. just run
     # `docker compose up`)
     userID=$(id -u) groupID=$(id -g) docker-compose up

Specify a Custom Email Service Provider

To allow Matatika CE to send emails (e.g. invitations, job notifications), you can configure a custom email service provider. The following providers are supported:

Provider Identifier Settings
SendGrid sendgrid API_KEY


# supported email service implementation
# email address used to send emails from as the platform
export SENDGRID_SOURCE_EMAIL=[email protected]
# comma-separated list of email addresses to bypass when sending an email


            # supported email service implementation
            - SENDGRID_API_KEY=
            # email address used to send emails from as the platform
            - [email protected]
            # comma-separated list of email addresses to bypass when sending an email

Deploy Your Own Plugins

To deploy your own plugins to use in the Matatika UI, you just need to drop the plugin.yml file into the root plugins folder of the matatika-ce repository. (Make sure to put it in the correct plugin type).

By default the CE will detect and automatically deploy any new plugins found, which you can use right away by installing them into your workspace from the plugins screen.

Add plugins to your Meltano project

The CE can be used as a private plugin index for a Meltano project, removing the dependency on Meltano Hub entirely.

Simply configure Meltano with the following environment:


# all supported plugins
export MELTANO_HUB_API_ROOT=http://localhost:8080/api

# all installed plugins for a workspace
# export MELTANO_HUB_API_ROOT=http://localhost:8080/api/workspaces/<workspace_id>

# profile menu > "API Keys" > "Developer Token" 
export MELTANO_HUB_URL_AUTH='Bearer <auth_token>'


            # all supported plugins
            - MELTANO_HUB_API_ROOT=http://localhost:8080/api

            # all installed plugins for a workspace
            # - MELTANO_HUB_API_ROOT=http://localhost:8080/api/workspaces/<workspace_id>

            # profile menu > "API Keys" > "Developer Token" 
            - MELTANO_HUB_URL_AUTH='Bearer <auth_token>'

Meltano will now reference the CE for plugin definitions, meaning that you can deploy a plugin and then meltano add it to your project straight away - no UI required.

# deploy plugin
cd matatika-ce
mv tap-example--custom.yml plugins/extractors

# add plugin to project
cd workspaces/my-project
meltano add extractor tap-example

Configuring HTTPS

Note that you will need to follow the steps to configure your own Auth0 IDP, making sure to replace references to localhost with your custom domain.

  1. Generate a keystore and a certificate/key entry using OpenSSL:

     openssl pkcs12 -export \
         -in <path_to_certificate> \
         -inkey <path_to_key> \
         -out config/certs/keystore.p12 \
         -name springboot \
         -passout pass:password
  2. Provide the following environment configuration for the catalog and app services:

                 - SERVER_PORT=8443
                 - SERVER_SSL_ENABLED=true
                 - SERVER_SSL_KEY_STORE=/certs/keystore.p12
                 - SERVER_SSL_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD=password
                 - SERVER_SSL_KEY_STORE_TYPE=pkcs12
                 - SERVER_SSL_KEY_ALIAS=springboot
                 # - SERVER_SSL_KEY_PASSWORD=  # leave commented out for no password
                 - CATALOG_URL=https://<domain>:8443/api
                 - CATALOG_ALLOWED_ORIGINS=https://<domain>:3443
                 - CATALOG_AUTH_IDPS_LOCAL_ISSUER_URI=https://<domain>:8443
                 - CATALOG_AUTH_IDPS_LOCAL_AUDIENCE=https://<domain>:8443/api
                 - CATALOG_AUTH_IDPS_PRIMARY_AUDIENCE=https://<domain>:8443/api
                 - CATALOG_AUTH_IDPS_SECONDARY_AUDIENCE=https://<domain>:8443/api
                 - APP_URL=https://<domain>:8443
                 - APP_SERVER_URI=https://<domain>:8443/api
  3. Run the application:

     # depending on the version of Docker you have installed, Docker Compose may not
     # exist as its own executable, but as a subcommand of `docker` instead - in this
     # case, you should substitute the below `docker-compose` with `docker compose`
     # if you are using Docker Desktop for Linux, do not set `userID` or `groupID` as
     # this will interfere with the VM file sharing service (i.e. just run
     # `docker compose up`)
     userID=$(id -u) groupID=$(id -g) docker-compose up

Further Reading