S3 (Multi Format) Connect

S3 (Multi Format) data store setup in minutes

Setup the Matatika platform to deliver and process your data in S3 (Multi Format) in minutes.

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Append Date To Filename

Boolean value indicating whether to append the current date to the filename

Append Date To Filename Grain

Granularity of the date to be appended to the filename

Append Date To Prefix

Boolean value indicating whether to append the current date to the prefix

Append Date To Prefix Grain

Granularity of the date to be appended to the prefix

Cloud Provider AWS AWS Access Key ID

Access key ID for the AWS account

Cloud Provider AWS AWS Bucket

Name of the S3 bucket to connect to

Cloud Provider AWS AWS Endpoint Override

Endpoint override for the AWS S3 API

Cloud Provider AWS AWS Profile Name

Name of the AWS profile to use for authentication

Cloud Provider AWS AWS Region

AWS region where the S3 bucket is located

Cloud Provider AWS AWS Secret Access Key

Secret access key for the AWS account

Cloud Provider Cloud Provider Type

Type of cloud provider being used

Flatten Records

Boolean value indicating whether to flatten nested records

Flattening Enabled

Boolean value indicating whether flattening is enabled

Flattening Max Depth

Maximum depth of nested records to flatten

Format Format Parquet Validate

Boolean value indicating whether to validate Parquet format

Format Format Type

Type of file format to use

Include Process Date

Boolean value indicating whether to include the process date in the output


Prefix to use for the S3 object key

Stream Map Config

Configuration for stream mapping

Stream Maps

List of stream maps

Stream Name Path Override

Override for the stream name path

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S3 (Multi Format)

Collect and process data from 100s of sources and tools with S3 (Multi Format).

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