Amazon Redshift Connect

Amazon Redshift data store setup in minutes

Setup the Matatika platform to deliver and process your data in Amazon Redshift in minutes.

Automate Amazon Redshift from a single space with no code

Amazon Redshift is a cloud-based data warehousing service.

Amazon Redshift allows businesses to store and analyze large amounts of data in a cost-effective and scalable way. It can handle petabyte-scale data warehouses and offers fast query performance using SQL. It also integrates with other AWS services such as S3, EMR, and Kinesis. With Redshift, businesses can easily manage their data and gain insights to make informed decisions.



The endpoint URL for the Amazon Redshift cluster.


The port number on which the Amazon Redshift cluster is listening.

Database Name

The name of the Amazon Redshift database to connect to.

User name

The user name to use when connecting to the Amazon Redshift cluster.


The password to use when connecting to the Amazon Redshift cluster.

S3 Bucket name

The name of the Amazon S3 bucket where the data to be loaded into Amazon Redshift is stored.

Default Target Schema

The default schema to use when loading data into Amazon Redshift.

AWS Profile Name

The name of the AWS profile to use when connecting to Amazon Redshift.

AWS S3 Access Key ID

The access key ID for the AWS account that owns the Amazon S3 bucket.

AWS S3 Secret Access Key

The secret access key for the AWS account that owns the Amazon S3 bucket.

AWS S3 Session Token

The session token for the AWS account that owns the Amazon S3 bucket.

AWS Redshift COPY role ARN

The ARN of the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role to use when loading data into Amazon Redshift.


The access control list (ACL) to apply to the Amazon S3 objects being loaded into Amazon Redshift.

S3 Key Prefix

The prefix to apply to the Amazon S3 object keys being loaded into Amazon Redshift.

COPY options

Additional options to use when loading data into Amazon Redshift.

Batch Size Rows

The number of rows to load into Amazon Redshift at a time.

Flush All Streams

Whether to flush all streams to Amazon Redshift before disconnecting.


The number of streams to use when loading data into Amazon Redshift.

Max Parallelism

The maximum number of streams to use when loading data into Amazon Redshift.

Default Target Schema Select Permission

The permission to use when selecting data from the default target schema.

Scema Mapping

A mapping of source schema names to target schema names.

Disable Table Cache

Whether to disable the table cache when loading data into Amazon Redshift.

Add Metdata Columns

Whether to add metadata columns to the Amazon Redshift table being loaded.

Hard Delete

Whether to perform a hard delete when deleting data from Amazon Redshift.

Data Flattening Max Level

The maximum level of data flattening to perform when loading data into Amazon Redshift.

Primary Key Required

Whether a primary key is required when loading data into Amazon Redshift.

Validate Records

Whether to validate records before loading them into Amazon Redshift.

Skip Updates

Whether to skip updates when loading data into Amazon Redshift.


The compression type to use when loading data into Amazon Redshift.


The number of slices to use when loading data into Amazon Redshift.

Temp Directory

The directory to use for temporary files when loading data into Amazon Redshift.

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Amazon Redshift

Collect and process data from 100s of sources and tools with Amazon Redshift.

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