Collect StackExchange data into your data warehouse or ours. The Matatika pipelines will take care of the data collection and preparation for your analytics and BI tools.
StackExchange is a network of Q&A communities.
StackExchange is a platform that hosts a network of Q&A communities covering a wide range of topics, from programming and technology to cooking and travel. Users can ask and answer questions, vote on the best answers, and earn reputation points for their contributions. The platform is designed to promote knowledge sharing and collaboration among experts and enthusiasts in various fields. StackExchange also offers features such as badges, chat rooms, and job listings to enhance the user experience.
Specifies the criteria for filtering the data returned by the API.
Indicates whether or not the API response should be flattened.
Specifies the maximum depth of the flattened response.
The API key used to authenticate the request.
The StackExchange site to connect to.
Specifies the start date for the data to be retrieved.
Specifies the configuration for the stream map.
Specifies the stream maps to be used for the API request.
Specifies the tags to filter the data by.
Extract, Transform, and Load StackExchange data into your data warehouse or ours.