Mailjet Connect

Mailjet data into your data warehouse in minutes

Collect Mailjet data into your data warehouse or ours. The Matatika pipelines will take care of the data collection and preparation for your analytics and BI tools.

Automate Mailjet from a single space with no code

Mailjet is an email marketing and automation software.

Mailjet is a cloud-based email marketing and automation software that allows businesses to send, track, and deliver personalized emails to their customers. With features such as email design tools, contact management, segmentation, A/B testing, and real-time analytics, Mailjet helps businesses create effective email campaigns that drive engagement and conversions. Additionally, Mailjet offers transactional email services, allowing businesses to send automated emails such as order confirmations and password resets.


Api Key

The unique identifier used to authenticate and authorize access to the Mailjet API.

Api Secret

The secret key used in conjunction with the API key to authenticate and authorize access to the Mailjet API.

Start Date

The date from which to start retrieving data from the Mailjet API.

Stream Maps

A mapping of Mailjet data streams to destination systems.

Stream Map Config

Configuration settings for the stream maps, such as field mappings and data transformations.

Flattening Enabled

A boolean value indicating whether or not to flatten nested data structures in the Mailjet API response.

Flattening Max Depth

The maximum depth to which nested data structures should be flattened.

View source code

Mailjet data you can trust

Extract, Transform, and Load Mailjet data into your data warehouse or ours.

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