Kustomer Connect

Kustomer data into your data warehouse in minutes

Collect Kustomer data into your data warehouse or ours. The Matatika pipelines will take care of the data collection and preparation for your analytics and BI tools.

Automate Kustomer from a single space with no code

Kustomer is a customer service platform.

Kustomer is a cloud-based customer service platform that allows businesses to manage all customer interactions in one place, providing a unified view of customer data and enabling personalized, efficient, and effective customer support. The platform includes features such as automated workflows, omnichannel support, real-time chat, and AI-powered insights to help businesses deliver exceptional customer experiences.


Date Window Size

The size of the date window for retrieving data from Kustomer API.

Start Date

The starting date for retrieving data from Kustomer API.

User Agent

The user agent string to identify the client making the API request.

API Token

The API token used for authentication and authorization to access Kustomer API.

Page Size Limit

The maximum number of records to retrieve per page from Kustomer API.

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Kustomer data you can trust

Extract, Transform, and Load Kustomer data into your data warehouse or ours.

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