AT Internet Connect

AT Internet data into your data warehouse in minutes

Collect AT Internet data into your data warehouse or ours. The Matatika pipelines will take care of the data collection and preparation for your analytics and BI tools.

Automate AT Internet from a single space with no code

AT Internet is a digital analytics solution for businesses.

AT Internet provides businesses with a comprehensive digital analytics solution that allows them to measure and analyze their online performance across various channels and platforms, including websites, mobile apps, and social media. The platform offers a range of features, including real-time data collection, customizable dashboards, advanced segmentation, and data visualization tools, to help businesses gain insights into their audience, optimize their digital strategy, and improve their ROI. AT Internet also offers consulting and training services to help businesses make the most of their data and achieve their digital goals.


Api Key

The unique identifier used to authenticate and authorize access to the AT Internet API.

Secret Key

A secret key used in conjunction with the API key to authenticate and authorize access to the AT Internet API.

Site Id

The identifier for the website or application being analyzed by the AT Internet API.

Start Date

The date from which data should be retrieved from the AT Internet API.

Max Results

The maximum number of results to be returned by the AT Internet API.

Filter Str

A string used to filter the data returned by the AT Internet API.

Stream Maps

A list of stream maps used to map the data returned by the AT Internet API.

Stream Map Config

Configuration settings for the stream maps used to map the data returned by the AT Internet API.

Flattening Enabled

A boolean value indicating whether or not the data returned by the AT Internet API should be flattened.

Flattening Max Depth

The maximum depth to which the data returned by the AT Internet API should be flattened.

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AT Internet data you can trust

Extract, Transform, and Load AT Internet data into your data warehouse or ours.

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