Product Update: April

Published on May 9, 2022

Data, data everywhere – all too hard to sync

At Matatika Towers this month we are enthused.  Things are coming together nicely and we are pleased to announce a new technology partnership, closely linked to our vision for the data economy: easy to connect but customisable data sources.   We have had a great time interrogating each other’s Spotify Playlists. What started off as a bit of fun, has been serving a purpose of allowing curious people to play in our workspace with light-hearted data.   So delve into the details below, or get in touch if you would like a demo of Dan’s eclectic music choices. I think he can even recommend genres for particular types of coding too….

Read on for the full update:

Instant Insights

Instant Insights is our product for immediate use connectors. The experienced developer can add over 300 of the most popular data sources but the real game-changer for the less technical user, is instantly publishable  pre-configured insights. 

Instant Insights is our unique solution to the inflexibility of no code and low code products.

Each connector comes with a standard template format.  In a few clicks, this data is visible and interrogatable in a fraction of the previous build time.  Updates happen automatically, maintenance is all done by us.  This reduces the need for manual data moving (and data moving errors). 

But if it doesn’t meet a standard need, the connector always has a full code option for developers to build from.  And if you don’t have inhouse developers, we can put you in touch with some good ones we know. 

In the data sphere, no products to our knowledge work with full code options which are so accessible  We are feel excited about what we can achieve here.   


Popular with SaaS and Start Ups in general, work planned into Trello boards, is one of the winners of the work-from-home era. 

Your workspace can now contain a summary of the progress and backlog of work to give a overview.  And even better, the reporting is live.  Check in, don’t wait for status meetings. 

In your workspace you can ask:   

  • What is the total number of cards currently in each stage of my board?
  • What is the daily total number of cards for a stage in my board?
  • What is the total number of users invited to my board?
  • What is the total number of workspaces in my Trello account? 

This chart shows the most cards completed per person, which caused some competition in the office. 

Friends of the company will notice the dog has his own to do list on this chart. 


Singer Tap on Meltano Hub

Transformation models on dbt Hub 

Open Source


Many SaaS applications, including ours, rely on Auth0 for common user tasks such as registration, password reminders, and checking users credentials.  As a Start Up, we understand that securing your application is almost as important as understanding your users. 

Now, teams that use Auth0 can get Instant Insights.  Ask questions like:

  • How many daily active users are active in my App?  (see below)
  • What is the most popular device or platform?

Don’t wait for the report.  The information is there when you need it.

Daily Active Users


Singer Tap on Meltano Hub

Transformation models on dbt Hub


There is a large subset of Spotify users in the Software developing world, so when we wanted to demo some non-sensitive data for a Meltano #taptober event we found a way for our users to play with their own datasets to learn about our product.  Think Spotify Wrapped but without waiting for your annual slideshow to drop!

It is more fun than anything, but if anyone has a serious requirement for it, it’s now good to go! You need a key at the moment, but we are aiming for Instant Insights soon – see details in the links below.

Want to plot how much you like a song compared to the average person?  I bet you’re just a little bit curious.


Singer Tap on Meltano hub

Transformation models on dbt hub

Open Source

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